MVPH uses this test in place of the single heartworm test. In addition to Heartworm this also tests for exposure to the tick transmitted diseases of Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, and Ehlickiosis. If you have questions about ticks or tick transmitted disease, now is the time to ask.
While springtime sees the reemergence of the Minnesota State Insect (the mosquito) and renewed concerns regarding heartworm disease transmission, we encourage the year-round use of oral parasite preventatives. Whether you have known it or not, each month when giving your pet its heartworm preventative pill you have also been deworming the intestinal tract or the common roundworm, hookworm and whipworm.
Spring each year means warm weather, lilacs, daffodils, and tulips in bloom and the dreaded emergence of fleas and ticks. In most cases our recommendation is to use the highly effective topical application of FRONTLINE PLUS as a preventative against flea and tick infestations. Please stop in or call if you have any questions about your specific needs or concerns with external parasite control.
As you get ready to celebrate Easter with family and friends, keep the following precautions in mind to ensure that your furry family members stay safe and healthy.
Chocolate: Chocolate is toxic for pets, especially dogs. Even small amounts of chocolate can be extremely dangerous. The toxic component in chocolate, theobromine, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures and an abnormally elevated heart rate. Different types of chocolate contain varying levels of theobromine. Dark chocolate contains the highest amounts and is therefore the most toxic to dogs. Early symptoms of chocolate toxicity are vomiting, diarrhea and trembling.
Easter Lilies: Easter Lilies are deadly for cats, so make sure you keep them completely out of cats’ reach. Other potentially poisonous flowers may include tulips, calla lilies, daisies, crysanthemums and baby’s breath.
Easter Grass: Easter grass can be life-threatening for cats if ingested. The material can wrap itself around your cat’s intestines and cut off circulation, requiring immediate medical intervention. Look for safer alternatives to Easter grass, such as tissue paper.
Sugar Substitutes: Xylitol, a popular sugar substitute used in sugar-free candy and in anything from sugarless gum to toothpaste is highly toxic to pets. It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar and can lead to seizures and liver failure.
All it takes is a little common sense, and your entire family can enjoy a safe and happy Easter celebration.